About Me

Clayton Webb

I am an aspiring software engineer and a senior studying computer science at the University of Michigan.

My Career

Studying Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan

GPA = 3.51/4.00, Classes taken = Data Structures and Algorithms, Discrete Math, Computer Organization, Intro to Computers and Programming, Entrepreneurship Business Basics, Digital Product Design, Web Systems, Databases, Computer Security, Programming Languages, Mobile App Development, and Technical Communication

Aug. 2016 - May. 2020
Student in the College of Engineering


During the summer of 2019, I was a Software Engineering Intern at Facebook in Menlo Park, CA. I was iOS engineer on the Music & Video Rights team. I improved the music sharing experience on the iOS Facebook app by rewriting the music scrubber experience to highlight ML-generated popular portions of the songs which increased overall music shares by 2.3%. In addition, I built new features to improve the user experience on the music picker, like search typeahead, recent searches, and a new modern UI that showcases new and trending songs. All of this work was primarily in Objective-C.

May. 2019 - Aug. 2019
Software Engineering Intern

Amazon - AWS Kinesis

During the summer of 2018 I was a Software Development Engineering Intern at Amazon in Seattle, WA. During my time there, I created new resource tagging web APIs for the AWS Kinesis service in Java. This allows users to organize their Kinesis Streams using string tags for billing and authentication purposes.

May. 2018 - Aug. 2018
Software Development Engineering Intern

University of Michigan - LSA IT (EHTS)

I worked in the East Hall offices of LSA IT at the University of Michigan, Providing technical support to faculty and staff on both Mac and Windows systems. I have developed better communication and trobleshooting skills through communicating with faculty and staff to resolve their problems.

Aug. 2017 - present
Computer Consultant I

University of Michigan - College of Engineering Office of Recruitment and Admissions

As a tour guide for the College of Engineering Office of Recruitment and Admissions, and acted as an ambassador for the school on tours, campus days, and other recruitment events.

Dec. 2016 - May. 2017
Tour Guide

Marcus Thomas, LLC.

As an intern, I increased office productivity by building a dashboard to generate reports for employees in C# and ASP.NET. Additionally, I fixed front end issues on a large client’s website using JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

May. 2016 - Jun. 2016
Web Development Intern

My Skills

My Projects

Drunk Detector

My team created an in-dashboard app for new GM cars to detect and alert drivers who are under the influence. It utilized Microsoft's Azure cloud to host the machine learning model and the Twilio API to hand the alert system. It was created at the MHacks 8 hackathon and we won General Motor’s sponsor prize. My role was creating the testing suite to provide training data to the machine learning model and creating the JavaScript backend of the application to recieve and process the data from the car.


I created an iOS app that allows users to chat in public chatrooms created from trending hashtags. The purpose of this project is to encourage conversation between strangers with common interests and to breakdown echo chambers. This project is currently being pursued as a part of my Entrepreneurship minor.


For the MHacks 9 hackathon, my team created a simple multiplatform social network based around the idea of expressing your mood using colors. The social network was building using a MySQL database and LEMP stack for the website and a native iOS app. We also created a internet-connected wearable using an Arduino board and RGB LEDs. The My roles was to create the iOS app using Swift and XCode and the RESTful API built with Django. I also was responsible for implementing the Twilio API to make the social network accessable using text messages.


I wrote a large scale iPad written in Objective-C app to digitize the CLASS observation tool by Teachstone.

Flipbook - Collabrify

As part of an independant study with Prof. Elliot Soloway, I am part of a team developing collaborative K-12 educational software that teachers can use to create lesson plans and that students can use to learn. My role is to assist in the development of the Flipbook app. Flipbook enables students to work together, synchronously, in real-time, to co-create drawings or “flipbook” style animations. On Flipbook's canvas, students can draw freehand, insert shapes, include a photo and then draw on top of it or label parts of it with text, as well as combine multiple pictures to make an interesting animation.

© 2020 Clayton Webb